
Upcoming Events:

Gabriola Fix-it-Fair: July 21st from 2 – 4 at the Agi Hall

Garage Sale at the Commons: August 18th from 10 to 2



Our Vision: Island Communities that are self-sufficient; the local social and economic systems providing enough food, water, power and shelter for its population, who live in ways that preserve and protect the natural ecological system while respecting the diversity of lifestyles.

We aim to:

  • promote community sustainability on Gulf Islands through public education and action oriented initiatives
  • support individuals and groups working towards local sustainability to connect with each other
  • report and improve upon local sustainability practices, and
    partner with local groups, governments and other communities to implement sustainability initiatives

The board members of Island Futures are Fay Weller, Bob McKechnie, Susan Yates, Marilyn Campbell, Steve Earle, Talyn Martin and Erin Udal.  Please contact us at: info@islandfutures.ca

Sustainable Gabriola: Island Futures has backed many of the initiatives that are incubated in the monthly Sustainable Gabriola meetings (held every fourth Sunday from 3 pm until 4:30 pm upstairs in the Gabriola Commons main house (365 North Road).

These initiatives include: Gertie, cyclepath report, Village Vision, Fix-it fairs, Sustainable Gabriola’s mental health initiative, Energy initiatives (Heat Pumps), Community Sustainability Plan, Gabriola Survey ResultsCreating Gabriola Cooperatives, and facilitating numerous community meetings, including a community meeting for GIRO, and a “future of our ferry meeting”.

Please contact us at info@sustainablegabriola.ca