Welcome to our website

Our Vision: Island Communities that are self-sufficient; the local social and economic systems providing enough food, water, power and shelter for its population, who live in ways that preserve and protect the natural ecological system while respecting the diversity of lifestyles.

We aim to:

  • promote community sustainability on Gulf Islands through public education and action oriented initiatives
  • support individuals and groups working towards local sustainability to connect with each other
  • report and improve upon local sustainability practices, and
  • partner with local groups, governments and other communities to implement sustainability initiatives

Who are we?

A group of individuals interested in supporting innovative and sustainable initiatives in their communities, and interested in supporting others (individuals and organizations) who wanted to do the same. To date IF has supported the Gabriola Bus pilot, a biofuels initiative, the Gabriola GHG inventory, Sustainable Gabriola, a truck share co-op, and an Gulf Islands wide initiative, exchanging ideas through an inter-island network of boats. Our board members currently are: Susan Yates, Bob McKechnie,  Judith Roux, Marilyn Campbell, Tim Leadem and Fay Weller. If you are interested in being involved please contact info@islandfutures.cooperategabriola.ca.